Workshop in memory of Dr. Kamal Shukla, NSF
Modeling and Dynamics in Molecular Biophysics
January (26) 27-28, 2016
Arlington, VA
Opening Remarks on January 27, 2016
Workshop organizer José Onuchic, Rice University & Krastan Blagoev, NSF
NSF Welcoming Remarks
Linda Hyman, Division Director, BIO/MCB
James Olds, Assistant Director, Directorate for Biological Sciences
Scientific Session 1 | Protein Folding, Dynamics, Aggregation and Intrinsically Disordered Proteins
Susan Marqusee, UC, Berkeley
Intro Talk: The Old View, the New View and Beyond
Cecilia Clementi, Rice University
Talk: Bridging Molecular and Cellular Studies
Hans Frauenfelder, LANL
Talk: Physics and Biology
Patricia Jennings, UC, San Diego
Talk: Protein Knots in Functional Design
Margaret Cheung, University of Houston
Talk: Protein Structure, Stability and Folding in the Cell
George Makhatadze, RPI
Talk: Linking Computation and Experiments to Study Protein Folding and Stability
Dan Raleigh, Stony Brook University
Talk: Molecular Mechanisms and Physiological Consequences of Protein Aggregation
Scientific Session 2 | Nucleic Acids, Protein Function
Angel Garcia, LANL
Intro Talk: Molecular Biology/Biophysics
Ashok Deniz, The Scripps Research Institute
Talk: Biophysics Function: Single Molecules to Mesoscales
Luis Marky, University of Nebraska
Talk: Hydration and Thermodynamic Contributions in the folding of DNA Intramolecular Hairpins
Ishita Mukerji, Wesleyan University
Talk: Nucleic Acid Structure: Insights from Computation and Experiment
Marilyn Gunner, City University of New York
Talk: Design Features of the Cellular Powerhouses
Toshiko Ichiye, Georgetown University
Talk: What Makes Proteins Work? Exploring Life in T-P-X
Bertrand Garcia Moreno, Johns Hopkins University
Talk: Biological Energy Transduction as a Unifying Theme
Scientific Session 2 Discussion: Nucleic Acids, Protein Function
Scientific Session 3 | Biomolecular Machines, Cytoskeleton, Chromatin, Ribosome, and Membranes
Zan Luthey-Schulten, UIUC
Intro Talk: Simulations of Cellular Processes: From Single Cells to Colonies
Charlie Brooks, University of Michigan
Talk: Understanding Robustness in Biology’s Molecular Machines
Benoit Roux, University of Chicago
Talk: Protein function: Bridging over multiple time scales with computer simulations
Gaetano Montelione, Rutgers University
Talk: Synergies of Molecular Modeling Calculations and Protein NMR Spectroscopy
Dagmar Ringe, Brandeis University
Talk: The big, the fast, and the tiny
Paul Whitford, Northeastern University
Talk: Uncovering the ribosome’s energy landscape
Ka Yee Lee, University of Chicago
Talk: Structure and Activities of Lipid Membranes
Karen Fleming, Johns Hopkins University
Talk: Secrets of the Membrane to be Revealed in the Next Quarter Century
Scientific Session 4 | Future Applications of Molecular Biophysics: Complex Cellular Processes, Connections to Cell Biology and Other Fields
Peter Wolynes, Rice University
Intro Talk: Future Applications of Molecular Biophysics
Herbert Levine, Rice University
Talk: Molecular underpinnings of cellular signaling
Jin Wang, Stony Brook University
Talk: Past and Future Outlook on Cell Networks
Dave Thirumalai, University of Texas at Austin
Talk: My Journey with Kamal: A Most Trusted Friend
Taekjip Ha, Johns Hopkins University
Talk: From Single Molecules to Cellular Decision Making